Kicking off the circular economy in Saxony on 7 July 2022 at IHD Dresden: The Innovation cluster CIRCULAR SAXONY receives the grant notification letter by State Minister Martin Dulig and holds its first networking event.
ENERGY SAXONY started work for CIRCULAR SAXONY together with Circular MTC e.V. on 15 March to establish a circular economy in Saxony. The cluster’s objective is to design sustainable production life cycles to counter-act scarcity of raw materials and to lower costs while getting closer to climate neutrality. Cluster members will development practical circular economy solutions in themed working groups together with stakeholders from business, research and policy.
10:00 Uhr | Welcome and registration |
11:00 Uhr | Introduction to the innovation cluster CIRCULAR SAXONY |
11:30 Uhr | Circular Economy as an economic driving force Vincent Ackenhausen, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH |
12:00 Uhr | Best-Practice examples from our community |
12:45 Uhr | Hand-over of the grant notification letter by State Minister Martin Dulig followed by Refreshments and networking |
13:30 Uhr | Close |