Circular economy solutions help to reach goals

In order to create a ready-for-circularity economy in Saxony, both associations who coordinate the cluster, Energy Saxony e.V. and Circular MTC e.V., have received funding from the Free State of Saxony to set up the innovation cluster CIRCULAR SAXONY. The cluster’s aim is to re-design products and processes with circularity and sustainability in mind while lowering the costs of societal transformation towards climate neutrality. Circular Saxony brings together industry, research and policy representatives in thematic working groups to work on practical solutions within the region of Saxony.


Aims and objectives of Circular Saxony

  • Foster collaborations across sectors and technologies among SME, large enterprises, research organisations, associations and policy makers in Saxony
  • Transfer knowledge and exploit knowledge jointly
  • Facilitate projects for members
  • Set up pilot lines and digital networking technology
  • Establish new supply chains and increase value creation outside the region for cluster members
  • Increase quota of materials kept in the loop for all relevant materials
  • Create and keep jobs
  • Analyse and define trends
  • Organise working groups, brokerage events and trainings